Main room
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4


House Art Food
Save current objects positions.
Load latest objects positions.
Clear all objects from the room.

Need help?

  1. 1. Insert your wallet in the box and click Submit.
  2. 2. Choose the items you have and want to add to your house from your inventory by clicking on the "+" button.
  3. 3. Sort everything to your preference.
  4. 4. Save your house by clicking on "Save". Note: It will save only in the current browser.
  5. 5. In “Load” you will get the last record you made in your house.
  6. 6. If you don't like how everything looks, just Clear All; it will remove all the items from the house and also clear positions.
  7. 7. You can buy all the items in "Buy a Bundle".
  8. 8. And if you like to try your luck, play in the gacha and let yourself be surprised with any item.
  9. Have a lot of fun playing in your Motitta's House.

Our bundles

Get more value for your Tezos!
Check later for bundles availability..!

Play gacha!

Have fun and get a surprise item!
Check later for gacha availability..!
You can buy each item directly by clicking on the market icon on the one you want!